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As the European Commission suggests in its research and innovation program, in a context of growing demand for resources, the sustainable use of the seas, oceans and inland waters is critical for Europe, especially for the Mediterranean regions. Micro- and macro-algae represent an additional source of biomass that can be used for various applications and a key sector of a bio-based economy. They also have the advantage of a low land requirement.

In this context, ETA-Florence, together with Ecomondo, co-organized an algal event with the strategic support of EUBIA, the European Biomass Industry Association, and RE-CORD, the Renewable Energy Consortium for Research and Demonstration.

The 2017 edition of the Algae Event hosted by Ecomondo was very well received in terms of participation and feedback as the last ones in Hamburg, 2014, and in Vienna, 2015, held during the EUBCE, European Biomass Conference & Exhibition.

The goal of the event was to get a better understanding of the sustainability of algae production and utilization and how and why algae can be used for biorefineries. Discussions were focused also on new technologies and processes and their market perspectives.

There was a strong focus on the interactions between research, industry and policy makers for the algae sector. The platform tried to define how scientific innovations can be more efficiently exploited and to understand the needs of cutting-edge industries leading the way with scaling up of technologies. In addition, the event highlighted the research priorities in the minds of industry and policy makers and the actions required to simultaneously achieve both environmental and economic sustainability.

If you are interested in the event presentations, please download them here.

Algae Event 2017